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Greubel Forsey
Greubel Forsey Art Piece 1

List Price 2014-2015

Greubel Forsey - Art Piece 1 ($1,6 Million)

Art Piece 1, an artistic co-creation by Robert Greubel and Stephen Forsey with Willard Wigan. Whilst still a work in progress, Art Piece 1 will feature a nano-sculpture by Willard Wigan set into its own dedicated space within the timepiece. A miniature microscope set into the caseband will allow full appreciation of this chef-d'œuvre. Willard Wigan's artwork in Art Piece 1 will be complemented by a sublime 30" inclined double tourbillion, which will ensure that this unique timepiece is as accurate as it is alluring.

When Robert Greubel and Stephen Forsey first encountered Willard Wigan's nano-sculpture installations in the eye of a needle or on the head of a pin, they found that they shared the same language of the 'miniaturist'. Initially Willard Wigan thought that fine watchmaking was too far from his artistic realm; However, after visiting the Greubel Forsey manufacture, he became fully aware of the 'Greubel Forsey spirit' and how Robert and Stephen's seemingly irrational obsession with perfection resonated with his own artistic sensibilities.

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