Most common stud bolts materials

Stud Bolts

The most common stud bolts materials covered by ASTM A193 are..

  • ASTM A193 B5
  • ASTM A193 B6
  • ASTM A193 B7.. Alloy steel, AISI 4140/4142 quenched and tempered
  • ASTM A193 B7M
  • ASTM A193 B16
  • ASTM A193 B8.. Class 1 Stainless steel, AISI 304, carbide solution treated
  • ASTM A193 B8A
  • ASTM A193 B8M.. Class 1 Stainless steel, AISI 316, carbide solution treated
  • ASTM A193 B8MA
  • ASTM A193 B8T (SS 321)
  • ASTM A193 B8cl2.. Class 2 Stainless steel, AISI 304, carbide solution treated, strain hardened
  • ASTM A193 B8Tcl2
  • ASTM A193 B8Mcl2.. Class 2 Stainless steel, AISI 316, carbide solution treated, strain hardened

ASTM A193 Stud Bolts

Chemical Composition

Physical Element ASTM A193 grade B7 (AISI 4140) ASTM A193 grade B8 (AISI 304) ASTM A193 grade B8M (AISI 316)
Carbon 0.38-0.48% 0.08% max 0.08% max
Manganese 0.75-1.00% 2.00% max 2.00% max
Phosphorus, max 0.035% 0.045% 0.045%
Sulfur, max 0.040% 0.030% 0.030%
Silicon 0.15-0.35% 1.00% max 1.00% max
Chromium 0.80-1.10% 18.0-20.0% 16.0-18.0%
Nickel absent 8.0-11.0% 10.0-14.0%
Molybdenum 0.15-0.25% absent 2.00-3.00%

ASTM A193 Stud Bolts

Mechanical Properties

ASTM A193 Size Min Tensile Strength, in ksi Min Yield Strength, in ksi Min Elongation, in % RA % min Max HBW Max HRC
ASTM A193 grade B7 Up to 2.1/2 125 105 16 50 321 35
2.5/8-4 115 95 16 50
4.1/8-7 100 75 18 50
ASTM A193 grade B8 Class 1 All 75 30 30 50 223 35
ASTM A193 grade B8M Class 1 All 75 30 30 50 223 96
ASTM A193 grade B8 Class 2 Up to 3/4 125 100 12 35 321 35
7/8-1 115 80 15 35
1.1/8-1.1/4 105 65 20 35
1.3/8-1.1/2 100 50 28 45
ASTM A193 grade B8M Class 2 Up to 3/4 110 95 15 45 321 35
7/8-1 100 80 20 45
1.1/8-1.1/4 95 65 25 45
1.3/8-1.1/2 90 50 30 45

The material chosen for the threaded stud and the hex nuts should be compatible. Materials for bolting sets shall be selected based on the process’s working temperatures, as shown in the table below..

CARBON STEEL -29 (-20) 300 (572)
A193 B7, L7 -73 (-100) 400 (752)
A193 B6 0 (32) 500 (932)
A193 B8 -200 (-325) 575 (1067)
A193 B16 0 (32) 520 (968)
A193 B17B -29 (-20) 650 (1202)
A913 Inconel 718 0 (32) 750 (1382)
A453 Gr. 660 -29 (20) 538 (1000)

Stud bolts can be produced also with "dual certification," i.e. they conform to multiple sets of ASTM standards (A193 B7 stud bolts can meet the requirements of A320 L7; B8 and B8m stud bolts also typically conform to both A193 and A320).


The ASTM A453 specification covers standards for Grade 660 (Class A, B, C, and D), Grade 651 (Class A and B), Grade 662 (Class A and B), and Grade 665 (Class A and B) of bolting materials, with ten classes of yield strength ranging from 50 to 120 KSI [345 to 827 MPa], for use in high-temperature service such as fasteners, pressure vessels and flanges.

Bolting materials in ASTM A453 are covered rolled, forged, or hot-extruded bars, and also bolts, nuts, screws, washers, studs, and stud bolts.
Materials shall adhere to specified contents of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, titanium, columbium, aluminum, vanadium, boron, and copper.

According to ASTM A453 materials shall be subjected to tension, stress-rupture, and hardness tests. Materials shall conform to yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, reduction of area, Brinell hardness, and Rockwell hardness requirements.

Hardening and solution treatment requirements for each material class are also given. The most common grades under ASTM A453 are..

  • ASTM A453 660A
  • ASTM A453 660B
  • ASTM A453 660C
  • ASTM A453 660D


Chemical Composition

ELEMENT ASTM A453 Grade 660 ASTM A453 Grade 651 ASTM A453 Grade 662 ASTM A453 Grade 665 ASTM A453 Grade 668
% % % % %
Carbon 0.08 max 0.28-0.35 0.08 max 0.08 max 0.08 max
Manganese 2.00 max 0.75-1.5 0.40-1.00 1.25-2.00 2.00 max
Phosphorus 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max
Sulfur, max 0.030 max 0.030 max 0.030 max 0.030 max 0.030 max
Silicon 1.00 max 0.30-0.80 0.40-1.00 0.1-0.80 1.00 max
Nickel 24.0-27.0 8.0-11.0 24.0-28.0 24.0-28.0 17.5-21.5
Chromium 13.5-16.0 18.0-21.0 12.0-15.0 12.0-15.0 13.5-16.0
Molybdenum 1.00-1.50 1.00-1.75 2.0-3.50 1.25-2.25 1.50 max
Tungsten - 1.00-1.75 - - -
Titanium 1.9-2.35 0.1-0.35 1.80-2.10 2.70-3.30 2.20-2.80
Columbium * - 0.25-0.6 - - -
Aluminum 0.35 max 0.35 max 0.25 max 0.50 max
Vanadium 0.10-0.50 - - 0.50 max
Boron 0.001-0.010 0.001-0.010 0.01-0.07 0.001-0.010
Copper 0.50 max 0.50 max 0.25 max -

ASTM A453 Stud Bolts

Mechanical Properties

ASTM A453 Grade Class Tensile, Mpa Yield, Mpa Elong. %, min RA %, min
ASTM A453 Grade 660 A, B C 895 min 585 min 15 18
D 895 min 725 min 15 18
ASTM A453 Grade 651 A 690 min 485 min 18 35
415 min
B 655 min 415 min 18 35
345 min
ASTM A453 Grade 662 A 895 min 585 min 15 18
B 860 min 550 min 15 18
ASTM A453 Grade 665 A 1170 min 830 min 12 15
B 1070 min 830 min 12 15
ASTM A453 Grade 665 A & B 895 min 858 min 15 18

ASTM A453 Stud Bolts: Heat Treatments Requirements

ASTM A453 Class Solutiona Treatment Hardening Treatment
660 A 1650 +/- 25 °F [900 +/-14 °C], hold 2 h, min and liquid quench 1325 +/- 25 °F [720 +/- 14 °C] 16h, air cool
B 1800 +/- 25 °F [980 +/-14 °C], hold 1 h, min and liquid quench 1325 +/- 25 °F [720 +/- 14 °C] 16h, air cool
C 1800 +/- 25 °F [980 +/-14 °C], hold 1 h, min and oil quench 1425 +/- 25 °F [775 +/- 14 °C] hold 16h, air cool followed by 1200 +/- 25 °F [650 +/- 14 °C], hold 16h, air cool
D 1650 +/- 25 °F [900 +/-14 °C], hold 2 h, min and liquid quench OR 1325 +/- 25 °F [720 +/- 14 °C] hold 16h, air cool followed by 1200 +/- 25 °F [650 +/- 14 °C], hold 16h, air cool
if necessary to achieve properties, second age : 1200 +/- 25 °F [650 +/- 14 °C] hold 16h, air cool
1800 +/- 25 °F [980 +/-14 °C], hold 1 h, min and liquid quench
651 A hot-cold worked at 1200 °F[650] min with 15% min reduction in cross-sectional area, stress-relief anneal at 1200 °F [650 °C] min or 4h, min
B hot-cold worked at 1200 °F[650] min with 15% min reduction in cross sectional area, stress-relief anneal at 1350 °F [730 °C] min or 4h, min
662 A 1800 +/- 25 °F [980 +/-14 °C], hold 1 h, min and liquid quench 1350 to 1400 °F [730 to 760 °C], hold 20h, furnace cool to 1200 +/- 25 °F [650 +/- 14 °C], hold 20h, air cool
B 1950 +/- 25 °F [1065 +/-14 °C], hold 2 h, min and liquid quench 1350 to 1400 °F [730 to 760 °C], hold 20h, furnace cool to 1200 +/- 25 °F [650 +/- 14 °C], hold 20h, air cool
665 A 1800 +/- 25 °F [980 +/-14 °C], hold 3 h, min and liquid quench 1350 to 1400 °F [730 to 760 °C], hold 20h, furnace cool to 1200 +/- 25 °F [650 +/- 14 °C], hold 20h, air cool
B 2000 +/- 25 °F [1095 +/-14 °C], hold 3 h, min and liquid quench 1350 to 1400 °F [730 to 760 °C], hold 20h, furnace cool to 1200 +/- 25 °F [650 +/- 14 °C], hold 20h, air cool
668 A 1650 +/- 25 °F [900 +/-14 °C], hold 2 h, min and liquid quench 1325 +/- 25 °F [720 +/- 14 °C] 16h, air cool
B 1800 +/- 25 °F [980 +/-14 °C], hold 1 h, min and liquid quench 1325 +/- 25 °F [720 +/- 14 °C] 16h, air cool

A453 Stud Bolts

Time to Rupture and Elongation

Grade Class Test Temperature Stress, Min Time to Rupture Elongation
Deg F [ Deg C ] Ksi Mpa Min, h* Min %
660 A, B & C 1200 [650] 56 385 100 5
651 A & B 1200 [650] 40 275 100 5
662 A & B 1200 [650] 55 380 100 5
665 A 1200 [650] 75 515 100 3
B 1200 [650] 70 485 100 5


The ASTM A320 specification covers alloy steel and Stainless Steel stud bolts materials for low-temperature service.

Each alloy under ASTM A320 shall conform to prescribed chemical requirements. The material, as represented by the tension specimens, shall conform to specific requirements in terms of tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, and hardness. The stud bolt material shall meet the prescribed impact energy absorption requirements and the target test temperature.

According to the ASTM A320 specification, manufacturers shall execute at least the following mechanical tests on the material.. impact test, tension test, and hardness test.

The most common stud bolts materials under ASTM A320 are listed below (low-temperature service)..

  • ASTM A320 L7.. Alloy steel, AISI 4140/4142 Quenched and tempered
  • ASTM A320 L7M
  • ASTM A320 L43.. Alloy steel, AISI 4340 Quenched and tempered
  • ASTM A320 B8 Class 1.. Stainless steel, AISI 304, carbide solution treated
  • ASTM A320 B8A
  • ASTM A320 B8T
  • ASTM A320 B8TA
  • ASTM A320 B8C
  • ASTM A320 B8M.. Class 1 Stainless steel, AISI 316, carbide solution treated
  • ASTM A320 B8MA
  • ASTM A320 B8cl2.. Stainless steel, AISI 304, carbide solution treated, strain hardened
  • ASTM A320 B8Mcl2.. Stainless steel, AISI 316, carbide solution treated, strain hardened

ASTM A320 Stud Bolts

Mechanical Properties

ASTM A320 Grade Diameter Tensile, KSI, min Yield, KSI, min Charpy Impact 20-ft-LBF @ temp Elong, %, min RA, %, min
ASTM A320 Grade L7 Up to 2.1/2 125 105 -150° F 16 50
ASTM A320 Grade L43 Up to 4 125 105 -150° F 16 50
ASTM A320 Grade B8 Class 1 All 75 30 N/A 30 50
ASTM A320 Grade B8M Class 1 All 75 30 N/A 30 50
ASTM A320 Grade B8 Class 2 Up to 3/4 125 100 N/A 12 35
7/8-1 115 80 N/A 15 35
1.1/8-1.1/4 105 65 N/A 20 35
1.3/8-1.1/2 100 50 N/A 28 45
ASTM A320 Grade B8M Class 2 Up to 3/4 110 95 N/A 15 45
7/8-1 100 80 N/A 20 45
1.1/8-1.1/4 95 65 N/A 25 45
1.3/8-1.1/2 90 50 N/A 30 45

ASTM A182 STUD BOLTS (Duplex and Super Duplex)

Chemical Composition

C Mn Si P S Cr Mo Ni N
Duplex 2205
min. 21.0
max: 23.0
min. 2.5
max: 3.5
min. 4.5
max: 6.5
Duplex 2205
min. 22.0
max: 23.0
min. 3.0
max: 3.5
min. 4.5
max: 6.5

Mechanical Properties

Grade Tensile Strength
ksi (min)
Yield Strength
0.2% ksi (min)
Elongation % Hardness (HB) MAX
2205 90 65 25 217

Physical Properties

(in x 10-6)
at 68°F 0.278 27.6 8.7 0.112
at 212°F 26.1 9.2 0.119 35.4
at 392°F 25.4 9.8 0.127 37.4
at 572°F 24.9 10.4 0.134 39.4

Super Duplex Bolts

Chemical Composition

C Cr Ni Mo N Others
0.02 25 7 4 0.27 S=0.001

Mechanical Properties

Ultimate Tensile Strength, ksi 16 min.
0.2% Offset Yield Strength 0.2%, ksi 80 min.
0.1% Offset Yield Strength 0.2%, ksi 91 min.
Elongation in 2 inches, % 15 min.
Hardness Rockwell C 32 max.
Impact Energy, ft.-lbs. 74 min.

Physical Properties

Density lb/in3 0.28
Modulus of Elasticity psi x 106 29
The coefficient of Thermal Expansion x10-6/°F 7.2
Thermal Conductivity Btu/h ft °F 8.7
Heat Capacity Btu/lb/°F 0.12
Electrical Resistivity W-in x 10-6 31.5

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