Working in industry involves careful consideration of safety while working. Far from land, very high up on a wind turbine or very deep underground, raises the question of how to minimize the risk of injury to personnel. Why is it necessary to keep track of injuries? How do companies ensure a safe working environment for high-risk jobs?

What is Lost Time Injury?

Lost Time Injury (LTI) is a term used in workplaces, especially in industries such as construction or manufacturing. It refers to an injury that occurs on the job that is severe enough to render the worker unable to perform their regular duties for a period of time. This means they must take time off to recover.

Injuries covered by LTI include temporary injuries that keep the employee off work for a day, as well as permanent disabilities and conditions that prevent the employee from ever returning to work or performing regular work tasks. Employees who return to work after suffering a work-related injury are still counted as lost-time accidents if they are unable to perform the tasks listed in their job description. Accidents that occur outside of work hours and affect an employee's ability to work are not counted in this metric.

Lost Time Injury (LTI) 1
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 2
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 3
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 4
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 5
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 6
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 7
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 8

Common types of sick leave injuries

Absence injuries are incidents that occur at work that cause an employee to miss future workdays. These injuries can be serious and often require medical attention. Here are some common types of absence injuries..

Slips, trips and falls are the most common workplace accidents. They can happen due to wet floors, messy work areas or uneven surfaces.

Struck by an object occurs when a worker is struck by an object that may fall, swing or roll.

Overexertion injuries occur when a worker pushes his body beyond its limit. This can result from lifting heavy objects, repetitive motions or working in uncomfortable positions.

Vehicle accidents employees who drive for work can be involved in traffic accidents, which can lead to serious injuries.

Falls from heights this type of injury occurs when a worker falls from a high place, such as a ladder, roof or scaffolding.

Accidents involving machinery workers of heavy machinery are at risk of getting caught in or hit by the equipment.

RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) caused by repetitive movements over time, leading to pain and damage to muscles, nerves and tendons.

Workplace Violence unfortunately, physical conflicts or attacks can also lead to LTIs.

Calculating your Lost Time Injury Rate

The Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) is calculated using a simple formula, dividing the total number of Lost Time Injuries in a given period by the total number of hours worked in that period and then multiplying by 200,000.

total number of LTIs
total number of hours
× 200,000

Let's consider a scenario where a company has had two lost time accidents, with a corresponding total of 175,000 work hours during that period. To calculate the lost time incident rate, divide two by 175,000 and multiply the result by 200,000. The result of this LTIR calculation is 2.29 lost time incidents per 100 employees.

Knowing how to calculate the number of lost-time accidents is a straightforward process. By understanding the number of lost time accidents and total hours worked during a given period, you can easily determine this crucial safety metric.

Lost Time Injury (LTI)

Preventing LTIs

A high number of LTIs can be detrimental to an organization and causes the organization to come under scrutiny. Getting caught up in safety numbers and data is enticing, but an organization's main goal should be to stay on track and prevent injuries. Strengthening the safety program and focusing on providing a safe work environment for employees creates a place where people feel good, and the statistics will reflect this.

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